home | about | works | cv | contact Born out of exercises in self-care, Fossil slips between stillness and motion, sculpture and performance, the solitary body and collaboration, and our ability to undo histories by revisiting them, one excavation at a time.
performed by Leslie Cuyjet, Betsy Brandt, Muffie Connelly, Elinor Harrison, Jacob Henss, and Kat Reynolds
as part of A Collection of Slow Events
curated by Alexis Wilkinson
at the Luminary Gallery
St. Louis, MO
July 14 and 15, 2017
img Brea McAnally
I saw your back in my dream. It was all I needed to see to know it was you. I don’t even know your back that well, with all of its insignificant markings. But I could pick it out in a crowd of thousands, even with it turned to me. Your body is the outline of a shadow. Your face is a distinct blob. Your components have faded yet you remain as crisp as lightning in my memory, some glass in the sand I cannot reach, complete and clear. I can still feel your energy here. It drives me to a mild level of madness. I talk to you, unknowingly, walking down the street. I spit at the ground without warning. My shower is a podium where I frequently test out monologues, addressed to you. You exist as a relic of my former self and I now realize that you never really existed, this version of you I desire. Instead, she is real and still prevailing in the hollow space where I house your remains.
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© 2025 Leslie Cuyjet